
Il terzo relitto

(The Third Relic)

TEA - Tascabili degli Editori Associati, June 2017, pp.380

While doing some research, Isabella unearths a manuscript dating back to the 1st century BC. It gives a new version of the battle of Lipari, during which three ships sank in the Tyrrhenian Sea while trying to defend a precious cargo. Isabella is curious and discovers that two Roman relics have in fact been found and that during the recovery operations, Carla Sollini, an expert diver, died in mysterious circumstances. As for the phantom cargo, there is no trace of it: could it be that the unpublished manuscript is unreliable? Or that the sea has since destroyed everything?

TEA - Tascabili degli Editori Associati, June 2017, pp.380

Barbara Bellomo

Barbara Bellomo has a Ph.D. in Ancient History and currently teaches in a high school. She is the author of several publications on Roman history. For Salani, she has written the Isabella De Clio trilogy, featuring the Sicilian female archeologist of La ladra di ricordi [The Memory Thief], Il terzo relitto [The Third Wreckage], Il peso dell’oro [The Weight of Gold]. And an historical thriller Il libro dei sette sigilli [The Book of the Seven Seals].

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