Women's fiction

Volevamo prendere il cielo

(We Wanted to Take the Sky)

Garzanti, September 2023, pp.272

All her life, Linda has pretended that her first love never existed. And yet when she meets Leonardo again, she realises that your first, pure love perhaps never ends and never grows old.

Linda remembers Leonardo, her first love, her high-school sweatheart, very well. With him she felt like a princess and was unaware of their class differences. He had a chauffeur, whereas her father had bought their car on credit.

Only her life did not turn out like a fairy tale, she had a rude awakening and had to face a deeply hurtful stark reality. So, all she could do was pretend she had never experienced this love and that Leonardo had never existed.

However, despite all the passing years, Linda and Leonardo meet again between Verona and Paris. They are no longer the same people they were at high school… or are they?

Garzanti, September 2023, pp.272

  • “A love story with many delights and sorrows, such as suicides and family upheavals, Buddenbrook-style.” 

    Sara Ricotta Voza, ttL

Federica Bosco

Federica Bosco, bestselling author (over 1 million of copies sold) and screenwriter, has a vast list of novels and self-help books to her name. She was a finalist for the Bancarella prize in 2012, and her novel, Pazze di me was made into a film directed by Fausto Brizzi. Garzanti published her Ci vediamo un giorno di questi (See You One of These Days, 2017), Il nostro momento imperfetto (Our Imperfect Moment, 2018), Non perdiamoci di vista (Let’s not Lose Touch, 2019) Non dimenticarlo mai (Don’t Ever Forget, 2021) and Volevamo prendere il cielo (2023). With Vallardi she wrote the memoirs Mi dicevano che ero troppo sensibile (I Was Told I Was Too Sensitive, 2018) and Dopo Narciso la primavera (After Narcissus Comes the Spring, 2022).

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