Literary Fiction

Solo vera è l'estate

(Only the Summer is True)

Ponte alle Grazie, February 2023, pp.208

36 hours in the lives of three average young people during the summer of 2001.

In the shadow of the dreadful days of the G8 Summit in Genoa, Pecoraro portrays a generation of defeated thirty-somethings, between the fall of a political identity and the search for a place in the world.

It is 20 July 2001 and Rome stretches under the sweltering cloak of a motionless summer. Enzo, Giacomo and Filippo are childhood friends united by an unsteady attempt at middle-class stability and their friend Biba. They are driving to the sea to spend an evening like so many others when the radio broadcasts the events of the G8 Summit in Genoa. That is precisely where Biba is: she has gone there to see what would happen and finds herself witnessing the bloody battle that involves many of her peers, mainly peaceful anti-globalisation protesters. Overwhelmed by the violence, Biba feels only fear and alienation and decides not to stay a moment longer and to return to her three friends. The following morning, they all get together possibly for the last time: Biba tells them what she saw… Nothing will ever be the same again, but nothing will truly change.

Ponte alle Grazie, February 2023, pp.208

  • “Pecoraro places us skilfully before chaos, injustice and the absurdities in which we live immersed.”

    La Lettura, Corriere della Sera

  • “With Solo vera è l’estate, Pecoraro joins the noble tradition of stories about friendship challenged by reality […] between the sharp, tight storytelling of Pavese and the lush aesthetics of Pazienza’s void. […] His dialogues are equally extraordinary and mesmerising […] Between being cutting and affectionate, he succeeds in painting  the portrait of a generation, the present fifty-somethings, broken and hedonistic.”

    Gianluigi Simonetti, Tuttolibri

  • “a novel that sparkles with ideas and is almost like a midsummer blues ballad (…) The premise evokes that of ‘The Man Without Qualities’, transferred from Middle Europe to Pontina.” 


    Filippo La Posta, Robinson, La Repubblica

  • “a humanity that follows the inertial trajectory of an exhausted historical push, that fluctuates in an anonymous present incapable of finding a historical sense to life.”


    Giacomo Tinelli, ALIAS, Il Manifesto

Rights Sold

World Spanish rights: Editorial Periférica.

Francesco Pecoraro

Francesco Pecoraro (1945) was born in Rome, where he still lives. He has published a collection of short stories and a poetry collection. Ponte alle Grazie published his first novel, La vita in tempo di pace (Life in Peacetime, 2013), a resounding success that sold 30,000 copies, third runner-up in the Strega Prize, winner of the Viareggio Prize, the Mondello Prize, and finalist for the Volponi Prize. Foreign rights sold to Seagull Books (world English rights), Lattes (France), Wereldbibliotheek (Holland), Editorial Periférica (world Spanish rights), Epsilon (Turkey). In 2019 he wrote Lo stradone (The Road): foreign rights sold to Editorial Periférica (world Spanish rights) and in 2021 the collection of 21 stories Camere e stanze (Rooms and Bedrooms).

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