
È solo un cane (dicono) – La storia continua

(It’s Just a Dog (So They Say))

Astoria Edizioni , March 2020, pp.160

A story of true, touching symbiosis. A delicate, original memoir.
With realism and humour, the author tells us about the strong, complicit affection that binds a dog and its owner and at the same time she explores a much older event, that of her relatives who escaped deportation during the Second World War.

Entertaining and humorous, to be read over an afternoon, possibly while patting your dog’s head.
A revival of this short but profound and moving story in a new extended edition. With period black and white illustrations.

Astoria Edizioni , March 2020, pp.160

Marina Morpurgo

Marina Morpurgo (Milan 1958) is a former journalist who has written seven books for children, published by Feltrinelli. For Astoria, she has written the collection of short stories Sono pazza di te (ma fino a un certo punto) (I’m Crazy About You (But Only up to a Certain Point), La scrittrice criminale (Criminal Writer, 2011) and Risorse disumane (Inhuman Resources 2012). She is currently gleefully devoting herself to literary translation from English.

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