Popular Non-Fiction

Il cancro a digiuno

(Fasting Cancer)

Antonio Vallardi Editore, September 2021, pp.368

A revolutionary guide to preventing and treating tumours: from everyday food to exercise for preventing the disease, to practical advice about nutrition and fasting in order to fight various types of cancer.

Thanks to Dieta della longevità [The Longevity Diet] – 8 editions and 300,000 copies soldwe know that the main illnesses of adulthood are linked to ageing and Valter Longo, one of the world’s principal experts on the connection between nutrition, longevity and health, has shown us that an appropriate strategy based on a specific nutrition and exercise programme is at the root of a better quality of life.

A book that will change the standard approach to the treatment of tumours for ever: thanks to years of research and experimenting in the world’s most prestigious oncology departments, through screening and programmes devoted to various types of tumour, it is now possible to prove that fasting is a very powerful ally in the fight against cancers.

The research and trials carried out in the past few years show the limited efficacy of standard as well as alternative therapies: Valter Longo explores their weaknesses and the possible combinations, from the role of nutrition and fasting through genetic impact on longevity and cellular rejuvenation to the application of fasting protocols to all types of tumours.

Antonio Vallardi Editore, September 2021, pp.368

Rights Sold

Brasil: Pensamento; China:Beijing Science and Technology Publishing (Simplified Chinese); Germany: Goldmann; World Spanish Rights: Grijalbo/Penguin Random House.

Option Publishers:

China: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co. (Complex Chinese); World English Rights: Penguin Random House; France: Actes Sud; Korea: Sigonsha; Lithuania: Alma Littera; Poland: Wydawnictwo Bukowy Las; Portugal: Presenca; Romania: Paralela 45; Russia: Eksmo; Slovenia: HKZ.

Valter D. Longo

Valter Longo is a biochemist born in Genova in 1967. He has a worldwide reputation for being one of the leaders in the field of studies on ageing and age-related illnesses and has had articles in some of the most authoritative science publications, including Nature, Science and Cell. He is professor of Gerontology and Biology Sciences, and director of the Institute of Longevity of the School of Gerontology at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, one of the most prestigious centres in the world dedicated exclusively to teaching and researching the ageing process. Professor Longo has been awarded some of the most prestigious awards for his career: among these are the Nathan Shock Lecture Award from the National Institute on Ageing (NIA/NIH) in 2010 and the Vincent Cristofalo “Rising Star” award for research on ageing from the American Federation for Ageing Research in 2013. He is also director of the Laboratory of Oncology and Longevity at the IFOM (Institute of Molecular Oncology) in Milan. His first book La dieta della Longevità (The Longevity Diet, Vallardi, 2016) revolutionised research on longevity and nutrition. Rights have been sold across the world. Vallardi have also published his Alla tavola della longevità (2018) and Bambini, nutrizione e longevità (2019).

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