Titles in our catalogue

    Francesca Giannone

    La portalettere

    The Letter Carrier

    English Sample Available

    Anna Allavena, Letter Carrier: the extraordinary story of an ordinary woman who moves from Northern Italy to the South and becomes the first postwoman in a village in the Salento region.

    A riveting story about female courage and emancipation, as well as about two inseparable brothers destined to love the same woman.

    Salento, June 1934. A coach stops in the main square of Lizzanello, a village with only a few souls. A couple get off: the man, Carlo, a child of the South, is happy to be back home; the woman, Anna – his wife – is from the North. She is as beautiful as a Greek statue, but sad and worried: what kind of life awaits her in this unfamiliar land?

    In the eyes of the villagers, Anna never ceases to be “the foreigner” who doesn’t attend church, doesn’t wander around the village and doesn’t gossip. Proud and prickly, Anna never yields to the customs of Southern women: not only does she take the postal services public exam, but actually passes it and becomes the first postwoman in the village, or rather the first “letter carrier”, as she wants to be called.

    For over twenty years, Anna is the invisible thread that brings the village residents and their stories together. First on foot, then by bicycle, proud in her navy blue cap and uniform, Anna delivers letters from the young men at the front, postcards from emigrants and missives from secret lovers. Without meaning to – and above all without the villagers wanting it – the letter carrier changes many things in Lizzanello.

    Francesca Giannone

    Domani, domani

    Tomorrow, Tomorrow

    Following the huge success of her La portalettere, the best-selling novel of 2023, Francesca Giannone returns to Salento with a sensitive, eventful novel about family bonds and conflicts.

    Lorenzo and Agnese, a brother and sister, are united by their love for the family soap factory, divided by destiny and by a decision that ends up separating them and marking their tomorrows and the rest of their lives.

    Salento, late 1950s. Lorenzo and Agnese have lost everything. Their father has sold the family’s soap factory, a legacy he experienced as a millstone, but which, for the siblings,  represented a reason for living. Now, to remain there as ordinary workers for a new, arrogant owner is a dreadful perspective. On an impulse, Lorenzo decides to leave, intending to find the money to take back what belongs to him. Agnese, on the other hand, decides to stay, unwilling to abandon her home of talc and soap. This leads to a serious and apparently fatal division between the siblings, taking them in opposite and unforeseen directions.

    Alessandra Selmi

    Al di qua del fiume

    This Side of the River

    English introduction available

    At the dawn of the 1800s, on the banks of the River Adda, the Crespi family achieved an ambitious feat: they founded Italy’s first worker village. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

    Hopes, drama, mystery, revenge, and love come together to form a grand historical fresco that encompasses fifty years of Italian history.

    River Adda, 1877. Cristoforo Crespi sees a small triangle of land bounded by the river as the future and the chance his family needs to make an indelible mark upon this world. Thus, the son of a simple tengitt, a dyer, builds an avant-garde cotton mill and a village to house its workers. Italy has never seen such a thing: the village has its own church, school, and comfy homes with gardens. Cristoforo bets everything he has on this dream. His money, his reputation, and even his relationship with his brother Benigno, who has succumbed to the temptations of the high life in Milan and by the prestige of owning a newspaper. For Cristoforo, what matters most is to create something concrete and to change the life of his workers for the better.

    Young Emilia’s life changes the day she moves into the new village. The daughter of one of Crespi’s most loyal workers and a woman tormented by dark premonitions, Emilia witnesses, from this side of the river, the creation of a self-sustaining world. She experiences the small and large events of Italian history: the 1989 bread riots, the First World War, the labor insurrections. But as fate would have it, her path soon crosses that of Silvio Crespi, heir to the company and to his father’s vision. Despite the socio-economic chasm that separates them, they develop a special relationship that stands the test of life and time.

    Stefania Auci

    L'inverno dei Leoni

    The Lions' Winter

    TV series cooming soon on Disney+!


    Full English translation available

    The second and concluding part of the saga, which reveals in full the myth of the Florios, making us relive an era, a world and a destiny that has no equal.

    The Florios, the Lions of Sicily, have won. Gone are the days of the modest putìa in central Palermo, the sacks of spices, of Paolo and Ignazio, who went there to escape poverty, with determination as their only wealth. Now, they own buildings and factories, ships and tonnaras, silks and jewels. Now, the entire city looks up to them, honours them and fears them. And young Ignazio fears no one. The destiny of Casa Florio has been his destiny since birth, it runs through his veins and drives him beyond Sicily, to Rome and political intrigues, to Europe and its courts, to the naval dominion of the Mediterranean, to buying the entire Aegadian Islands archipelago. Ignazio has a dazzling empire but a heart of ice, because, for the glory of Casa Florio, he had to give up the love that would have capsized his destiny. A love whose shadow never leaves him, even to the very end…

    His son, Ignazziddu, on the other hand, is afraid when, at just over the age of twenty, he inherits all his father has built. He’s afraid because he doesn’t want to be enslaved to a name, to sacrifice himself on the family altar. He does his best, however, facing a world that’s changing too fast, shaken by new, violent and uncontrollable powers. He does his best but realises that having Florio blood isn’t enough to stand out. He needs something more, something his grandfather and his father had but which he lacks. But where, how has he gone wrong?

    The Florios win everything, then lose everything. And yet this is only a part of their extraordinary story. Because this father and son, so different, so remote, have at their sides two women who are also very different and yet both exceptional: Giovanna, Ignazio’s wife, hard and fragile like crystal, filled with passion but starved of love, and Franca, Ignazziddu’s wife, the most beautiful woman in Europe, whose gilded life is shattered by the blows of a cruel fate.

    It is these two women who trace the true trajectory – exciting and dreadful, glorious and tragic – of a family who, for a long instant, lit up the world. It is they who will make us understand why, after so many years, the Florios live on, unique and unforgettable, as the heartbeat of an island and of a city.

    Lorenzo Bonini, Paolo Valsecchi

    Una casa di ferro e di vento

    A House of Iron and Wind

    In Lecco, by the lake, while the Badonis forge their metal empire, a thread as thin and indestructible as iron keeps the family united amid joys and sorrows, misunderstanding and love.

    The intimate saga of an extraordinary family, told by the women of the Badoni household.

    Nothing remains of the large factory and Villa Badoni is now unrecognisable. And yet for Marta, the family’s last descendant, this big house is still her heart’s home and the Badoni sisters’ stage. Laura, the eldest, is a rebel who loves freedom. Sofia had the love of her life snatched away from her too soon in a unfortunate accident. Piera is a frail and solitary soul. And there is Adriana, who devotes her life to the family business. At the centre of this female microcosm, there is the patriarch, Giuseppe Riccardo Badoni: the visionary entrepreneur with boundless ambition, who, thanks to the iron produced in his Lecco factories, becomes the protagonist of Italy’s industrialisation and reconstruction during the post-war period. He is a loving father to his eleven daughters, but will never come to terms with the tragic death of his only son, the heir destined to take over the business.

    Lucia Tancredi

    Ogni cosa è per Giulia

    All Things are for Giulia

    An original and vibrant portrayal of Giulia, the love of Antonio Gramsci’s life.

    The rediscovery of a wild, mysterious woman at the turn of the 20th century in a novel about political struggle, anti-Fascism and imprisonment.

    Giulia, educated and cosmopolitan, is an elegant violonist, but also a woman with a wild side the young Gramsci immediately loves and fears. He is in a sanatorium, depressed, with tremors, trying to recover his mental health. Their passion for each other is strong from the start and accompanies Gramsci until his last years in prison.

    The fascinating story of Giulia Schucht, Gramschi’s wife, the mother of his children, his confidante and passionate lover, but who has inexplicably vanished from Gramsci’s biographies.

    Chiara Bianchi

    Il canto della fortuna

    The Song of Fortune. The Rizzoli Saga

    Here comes the first of the two-volume saga about the Rizzolis: a family parable of social reversal that spans the 20th century.

    Angelo Rizzoli is an entrepreneur, printer, publisher, film producer and the “inventor” of tourism on the island of Ischia – a visionary who starts from nothing and, in just a few decades, builds an empire, vanquishing prejudice and deceit, thanks to his flair for business and people.

    Milan, late 1800s. Angelo Rizzoli lives in grinding poverty with his mother and two sisters. He is a docile but very ambitious young boy who wants to escape misery. However, he cannot bear rich people and doesn’t like to have masters, so when, by chance, he meets a printing machine salesman, he starts his first printing shop, “A. Rizzoli & Co.”. In the 1920s between Socialism and Fascism, he becomes a publisher and prints the first periodicals. These are followed by books and, finally, cinema. Angelo frequents actors, directors and producers, and starts his own production company, Cineriz. In the 1960s, Angelo’s empire sweeps the Americas with the production of Fellini’s 8 1/2 and the opening of the Rizzoli bookshop in New York. His flair for people leads him to his most ambitious project: a new information daily with nationwide circulation, readable by all. However, he dies before achieving this dream, and with the certainty that the decisions of his family members will squander his empire amid intrigues and lies.

    Sonia Milan

    La primogenita

    The First-Born

    A family saga about the love, rebellion, and resilience of mothers and daughters whose lives intersect with those of real-life women who altered the history of Italy.

    Women united by flower names, a pendant passed on through generations, and the dream of emancipation and self-fulfillment.

    Rome, 1821. At the first light of dawn, young Gelsomina, cast out by her family because she is unmarried, dies giving birth to a girl. Her final wishes are that her daughter should have a charm that belonged to her father and the name of a flower. The medallion is passed on from mother to daughter, as is the tradition of the flower name. From Gelsomina’s daughter Ortensia, the Red Cross nurse in the entourage of Cristina Trivulzio di Belgioso, to Erica, one of history’s first women doctors to specialise in paediatrics. To Iris, who discovers the family history and the origin of the famous charm Gelsomina was given by a painter who was in love with her, and how his love token became an admonishment to all her descendants: to bloom against all adversity. To fight for your dreams and not wait for a man to make them come true.

    Barbara Bellomo

    La biblioteca dei fisici scomparsi

    The Library of the Missing Physicists

    The story of a woman in search of redemption against the backdrop of the zealous scientific work of the famous Via Panisperna Boys.

    1930s. Ida knows only too well that Rome’s Royal Physics Institute in Via Panisperna is a special place. Since she has worked there her life has changed. In its lecture theatres, she has acquired notions of Physics from the best scholars and met a group of young Italian scientists – the Via Panisperna Boys – whose studies have led to the creation of the atom bomb. They include the brilliant Ettore Majorana, with whom she has become friends, and Alberto, the love of her life. However, everything suddenly changes. Her father picks a husband for her and there’s nothing left for her to do but comply with his demands.

    Meanwhile. the group of young scientists break up and Ettore Majorana mysteriously disappears. It’s the end of an era.

    Italy, 1954. Ida decides to leave her home after her husband confesses that another woman is expecting his child. She is determined to find Alberto and, in order to do so, she must first locate her friend Ettore Majorana, hoping he is still alive and simply chose to change his path because his scientific research was becoming dangerous.

    Serena McLeen

    Il peso della vergogna

    The Weight of Shame

    English sample available

    A family saga that weaves together the lives of two women, a grandmother and her granddaughter, through unspeakable secrets and secret loves.

    Turin. Annabella Bramante is left on her own after her parents die in an accident a few months ago and, as though that were not enough, fate has just snatched away her beloved grandmother. As she struggles to piece things back together, she discovers a mysterious bequest: a derelict villa in the Veneto, of which she never even suspected the existence, and a diary belonging to her grandmother. Annabella realises that the dark secret of the Bramantes is buried in this villa, and it will force her to question all she thought she knew about her family. With the help of a young man with alluring hazel eyes, Annabella sheds light on her grandmother’s eventful youth, when the violent acts of a despotic, Fascist father mingle with the caresses of an impossible love, until the disclosure that will bind the two women’s fates for ever…

    Valeria Tron

    Pietra dolce

    Sweet Stone

    In the old-fashioned little world of Val Germanasca, in Piedmont, Lisse, Lumière, Frillo and Tedesc are four miner friends who have nothing except the courage to live despite their poverty. That is until a young woman with a guitar arrives from Argentina and turns their lives upside down.

    Val Germanasca. Lisse had five mothers, but he doesn’t exist as far as the Registry of Births is concerned because the woman who gave birth to him abandoned him in a field soon after he was born, on the summer solstice 1940. Ever since he was struck by lightning, Lumière has had premonitions no one believes, even though they’re charming to listen to. Like the other two, Frillo is a miner. He spends his days at the heart of the mountain and when he emerges he carves small statues from the same stone he quarries: talc. Tedesc, on the other hand, is a luthier and, after spending a few years abroad, has returned to his village to make his dream come true and create the perfect hurdy-gurdy. They fuel their incomplete lives with stories, in particular those they read in the books Lisse brings them. One day, these stories take on the voice of Alma, a young woman who arrives from South America like a mirage of freedom, and her guitar.

    Helena Janeczek

    Il tempo degli imprevisti

    The Time of Unforeseen Events

    Helena Janeczek, winner of the 2018 Strega Prize, revisits the 20th century from the beginning, reliving – from within every character – the yet unfinished past in an attempt to grasp their unresolved heritage.

    A polyphonic tale of normal, yet extraordinary characters, of true, peripheral or semi-known stories that prove how the time of unforseen events is also a time of possibilities worth investigating

    The Zanetta sisters arrive in a Milan buzzing with the 1906 world fair and subscribe to Socialist dreams, although the youngest is arrested for defeatism in the years immediately after Caporetto. In 1920 Trentino-Alto Adige the air is good for those with health conditions and Doctor K. thinks he is at the heart of a spying intrigue arising from the correspondence with his translator Milena Jesenská. In Venice, the daughter of the great American poet Ezra Pound wanders across the city unaware that she is being spied on by a boy with whom she shared her childhood. Finally, the young Albert O. Hirschman joins his sister and brother-in-law in Trieste, a city fuelled by the hedonistic, commercial spirit of its proudly Italian middle classes, those same middle classes that will shortly see their world struck by racial laws, like the most unthinkable and dreadful of unforeseen events.

    Emanuele Trevi

    La casa del mago

    The Magician's House

    A new novel by the winner of the Premio Strega 2021.

    A true story that becomes a novel and focuses on the most demanding of family bonds: the one between a father and a son. Like in the best game of mirrors with the author as the protagonist, the search for his father becomes a search for himself and all the lives he left behind.

    Emanuele’s father is a Jungian psychologist, a magician capable of healing wounded souls. As a child, Emanuele soon learns that in order to survive in his father’s orbit it’s best for him to be a peripheral figure. After all, his mother keeps saying “You know what he’s like” whenever she talks about his father. But Emanuele doesn’t really know and, after his father dies, very little is left of him except an apartment no one wants, where the invisible mists of the lives and sorrows he had healed, oiled and straightened still linger.

    So Emanuele decides to buy this flat and to live permanently in that atmosphere still hovering after his father’s life was cut short, because – first as a son, then as a writer – he wants to reconstruct the identity of a man who never left anything of himself in writing.

    Matteo Porru

    Il dolore crea l’inverno

    Grief Creates the Winter

    English sample available

    Elia Legasov has inherited the family business: he is a snow sweeper in a town immersed in whiteness.

    But, one day, the snow betrays him by yielding from its depths something that should have remained buried and forgotten. Elia consequently has to remember and start to question everything.

    Elia Legasov was born in a town surrounded by whiteness and has never left.

    His job is to shovel snow and clear streets along which nobody walks until the snow reveals something from its depths. Something connected to Elia’s family and all that was supposed to remain buried. From that moment on, Elia’s mind becomes crowded with memories he had suppressed: memories of a father who died many years ago and a mother who left for ever.

    This makes Elia believe what people say about his family: that the snow does not protect them but, on the contrary, puts them to the test to see if they are capable of forgetting, because everybody forgets. But the Legasovs remember, always.

    It is now Elia’s turn to remember, whatever the cost. Because grief creates the winter, only every winter is different from the one before and the one before that.

    Valentina C. Brin

    Wrong. Red Oak Manor V

    Wrong. Red Oak Manor V

    The fifth installment of the romantic saga set in the Red Oak Manor orphanage.

    Tyler is the quarterback of the Lions, the school football team. He is in love with football and with Luna Blake, the biological daughter of his adoptive parents.

    Attraction between them is out of the question. But if their love is wrong, why does it feel so right?

    #sportromance, #highschoolromance #forbiddenlove

    Tyler Blake, quarterback of the Lions and the top dog at his high school, has always wanted a family. He was adopted at the Red Oak orphanage when he was ten years old, and while Mr and Mrs Blake have given him a home and the affection he had never had, Luna, their biological daughter, has given him everything else. She is his best friend, his strength and his anchor. Most of all, she is his biggest secret.

    Luna Blake would do anything for Tyler, and yet he is no longer the little boy she used to know. She now finds being near him confusing, and doesn’t understand why he has become a bundle of anger and recklessness. Tyler, however, knows the reason for that: he is hopelessly drawn to her. Being near her is agony, wanting her and being unable to have her is torture. Will they be able to resist temptation when it is just a kiss away?

    Valentina Ferraro

    After Midnight

    After Midnight. Frozen Midnight

    A slow-burning college romance with hockey, forced proximity and hate turning into love.

    Nothing good happens after midnight: a fact well known to the Black Bears hockey team, disqualified from the championship after a rather boisterous party that concluded at the police station.

    The person responsible for their disqualification is Jordan Alexander, an uncompromising journalist who reported the event and now has to live alongside the Black Bears: she must therefore reach a compromise with love and choose between the two players, Nate and Chase.

    Jordan and Nate are old friends in their third year at college. Jordan writes for the university’s online magazine, while Nate is captain of the hockey team. They have feelings towards each other, but their relationship is complicated by the impending wedding of their siblings and by a sensationalist article about a party that ended up at the police station, which Jordan was compelled to write, and which has led to Nate’s team, the Black Bears, being disqualified from the championship final.

    However, when Jordan is expelled from her sorority for writing an article against sororities, Nate offers to put her up. Living with his roommates proves challenging, but despite initial conflicts, Jordan is increasingly attracted to and involved with Chase, one of Nate’s team members, and must soon face her feelings, torn between Nate and Chase.

    Victor Diamandis



    A gentle love story about about illness and the processing of bereavement.

    In the streets of London, two souls bound together by fate meet. But can the true love between Alison and Nate survive even loss?

    Alison has just arrived in London in search of a new beginning after the death of her beloved mother, to pursue her dream of becoming a writer. There seems to be no room for love in her life, love, which has wounded her once too often, as she confides in the letters she posts on a wall in Cornelia Street. Everything changes when, among the bookshelves of a bookshop where she’s found a job, she meets Nate. On paper, he is the perfect young man, gentle and romantic, who makes her heart throb. The feeling between them is so perfect it seems written in the stars, And yet the very destiny that has brought them together has a cruel trick in store…

    Erin Doom

    Fabbricante di lacrime

    The Tearsmith aka Maker of Tears

    Netflix: ‘The Tearsmith’ is the number 1 movie worldwide only three days after its release!


    From this book, a Netflix movie coming on April, 4th!

    Full English Translation Available

    Wishing for a family. An impossible love.

    Just one certainty: you cannot lie to the ‘maker of tears’.

    Within the walls of Grave, the orphanage in which Nica has grown up, stories and legends have always been told by candlelight. The most famous one is about the tear maker, a mysterious craftsman with eyes as clear as glass, guilty of having manufactured all the fears and anxieties that dwell in people’s hearts.

    But, at the age of seventeen, the moment has come for Nica to leave all these dark childhood stories behind. Her greatest dream is about to come true. Mr and Mrs Milligan have begun the adoption procedures and are ready to give her the family she’s always wanted. However, Nica is not alone in the new house. Rigel, a restless, mysterious orphan, is also taken out of Grave, and he’s the last person Nica would wish for an adoptive brother. Rigel is intelligent, astute, plays the piano like a bewitching demon and is mesmerisingly handsome, but his angelic appearance conceals a dark temperament. Even though Nica and Rigel share a past filled with grief and deprivation, living together seems impossible; especially when the legend comes back to haunt their lives and the maker of tears suddenly grows increasingly real and draws nearer. Even so, gentle and brave, Nica is ready to do anything in order to protect her dream, because only by facing the nightmares that torment her will she finally be able to soar freely like the butterfly after which she was named.

    Erin Doom

    Nel modo in cui cade la neve

    The Way the Snow Falls

    A heart white as snow.

    A love that rages like a blizzard.

    A precious secret to keep beyond death.

    Ivy grew up among frozen lakes and uncontaminated forests, surrounded by the snow she loves. This is why, after she is orphaned and forced to move to California, all she can think of is what she’s left behind. Canada and its land are a deep loss. Its mountains contain the past to which the girl is so attached, and that, unbeknown to her, makes her the carrier of a dangerous secret.

    The only family she has left is that of John, her kind godfather. It’s not long before she realises that John’s son, Mason, is no longer the toothless little boy whose picture she saw as a child. He is now grown up, with the sharp eyes of a wild animal and a face like a lair of shadows. And the first time he smiles at her, menacing, curving his perfect lips, Ivy realises that living with him will be harder than she expected. Indeed, Mason doesn’t want her there and does nothing to conceal it.

    As Ivy tries to keep her head above the violent waves of her new life by the ocean, Canada and its mysteries never cease to torment her while she does everything it takes to enable her heart, white as snow, to blossom once more, overcoming the winter cold.

    Erin Doom


    English synopsis available

    170,000 copies sold!

    Alone and penniless, Mireya moves to cold Philadelphia, no longer believing in miracles. However, she changes her mind when she steps into the quirky, lavish Milagro Club, where she becomes bound to the detestable, charming Andras, head of security, by a golden thread stronger than fate itself.

    Quirky and lavish, the Milagro Club is a place that can bewitch anyone who walks into it, including Mireya. Obstinate like someone with nothing to lose, the young woman gets herself hired as a bartender. The Milagro, however, is more than an exclusive nightclub. Behind its closed doors, beyond the sequins and stage lights, destinies and secrets are intertwined. The darkest ones are all gathered in the rugged, charming face of Andras, the head of security. Between Mireya and Andras, it’s hatred at first sight. Both carry on their skins the same marks, the brand of those who have had to learn to fight in order to survive. And yet they keep bumping into each other, as though attracted by a mysterious force they neither know nor are able to oppose, bound by a golden thread that is stronger than destiny.

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