Foreign Rights

In this section you will find all the titles still available for translation rights

Cover Story

Cover Story

Erin Doom

Fabbricante di lacrime

The Tearsmith aka Maker of Tears

over 650,000 copies sold!

30 editions

Netflix: ‘The Tearsmith’ is the number 1 movie worldwide only three days after its release!


From this book, a Netflix movie coming on April, 4th!

Full English Translation Available

Wishing for a family. An impossible love.

Just one certainty: you cannot lie to the ‘maker of tears’.

Within the walls of Grave, the orphanage in which Nica has grown up, stories and legends have always been told by candlelight. The most famous one is about the tear maker, a mysterious craftsman with eyes as clear as glass, guilty of having manufactured all the fears and anxieties that dwell in people’s hearts.

But, at the age of seventeen, the moment has come for Nica to leave all these dark childhood stories behind. Her greatest dream is about to come true. Mr and Mrs Milligan have begun the adoption procedures and are ready to give her the family she’s always wanted. However, Nica is not alone in the new house. Rigel, a restless, mysterious orphan, is also taken out of Grave, and he’s the last person Nica would wish for an adoptive brother. Rigel is intelligent, astute, plays the piano like a bewitching demon and is mesmerisingly handsome, but his angelic appearance conceals a dark temperament. Even though Nica and Rigel share a past filled with grief and deprivation, living together seems impossible; especially when the legend comes back to haunt their lives and the maker of tears suddenly grows increasingly real and draws nearer. Even so, gentle and brave, Nica is ready to do anything in order to protect her dream, because only by facing the nightmares that torment her will she finally be able to soar freely like the butterfly after which she was named.


Francesca Giannone

La portalettere

The Letter Carrier

410,000 copies sold – 25 editions
2023 Bancarella Prize WinnerPrize awarded by booksellers

English Sample Available

Anna Allavena, Letter Carrier: the extraordinary story of an ordinary woman who moves from Northern Italy to the South and becomes the first postwoman in a village in the Salento region.

A riveting story about female courage and emancipation, as well as about two inseparable brothers destined to love the same woman.

Salento, June 1934. A coach stops in the main square of Lizzanello, a village with only a few souls. A couple get off: the man, Carlo, a child of the South, is happy to be back home; the woman, Anna – his wife – is from the North. She is as beautiful as a Greek statue, but sad and worried: what kind of life awaits her in this unfamiliar land?

In the eyes of the villagers, Anna never ceases to be “the foreigner” who doesn’t attend church, doesn’t wander around the village and doesn’t gossip. Proud and prickly, Anna never yields to the customs of Southern women: not only does she take the postal services public exam, but actually passes it and becomes the first postwoman in the village, or rather the first “letter carrier”, as she wants to be called.

For over twenty years, Anna is the invisible thread that brings the village residents and their stories together. First on foot, then by bicycle, proud in her navy blue cap and uniform, Anna delivers letters from the young men at the front, postcards from emigrants and missives from secret lovers. Without meaning to – and above all without the villagers wanting it – the letter carrier changes many things in Lizzanello.


Guilty. Drunk in Love

Guilty. Drunk in Love

Following the huge success of The Truth Untold (over 120,000 copies sold), a romantasy about an ill-fated love suspended between two worlds.

Arthur is a prince who will stop at nothing to save his endangered throne, except give up the woman he loves.

Lavinia lives alone in a derelict house and is at the end of her tether, so one day she decides to end it all and jump off a bridge. She is saved by Arthur, a young man with golden locks, who seems to have no identity and no family. So Lavinia decides to invite him to live with her. The young man is actually the prince of a kingdom in a parallel universe. They fall in love but a curse hangs over their relationship. For Arthur, the time has come to return home and claim his rightful throne, but he will not do so unless he can take Lavinia with him.

Helena Janeczek

Il tempo degli imprevisti

The Time of Unforeseen Events

Helena Janeczek, winner of the 2018 Strega Prize, revisits the 20th century from the beginning, reliving – from within every character – the yet unfinished past in an attempt to grasp their unresolved heritage.

A polyphonic tale of normal, yet extraordinary characters, of true, peripheral or semi-known stories that prove how the time of unforseen events is also a time of possibilities worth investigating

The Zanetta sisters arrive in a Milan buzzing with the 1906 world fair and subscribe to Socialist dreams, although the youngest is arrested for defeatism in the years immediately after Caporetto. In 1920 Trentino-Alto Adige the air is good for those with health conditions and Doctor K. thinks he is at the heart of a spying intrigue arising from the correspondence with his translator Milena Jesenská. In Venice, the daughter of the great American poet Ezra Pound wanders across the city unaware that she is being spied on by a boy with whom she shared her childhood. Finally, the young Albert O. Hirschman joins his sister and brother-in-law in Trieste, a city fuelled by the hedonistic, commercial spirit of its proudly Italian middle classes, those same middle classes that will shortly see their world struck by racial laws, like the most unthinkable and dreadful of unforeseen events.

Maria Rescigno

Microbiota geniale. Curare l'intestino per guarire la mente

The Brilliant Microbiota. Treating the Intestine in Order to Heal the Mind

Full English available

Written by the scientist considered one of the top international experts in microbiota, this book outlines how avant-garde research on microbiota is revolutionizing the prevention and treatment of mood swings, eating disorders, degenerative illnesses, and neurological problems.

World-renowned scientist Maria Rescigno clearly explains how the gut-brain connection is regulated by microbiota. She guides readers through the latest discoveries and potential future advancements, teaching them to “modulate” microbiota using specific probiotics, postbiotics, bacterial metabolites, fermented foods, and microbiota transplants. This approach aims to safeguard and restore a healthy intestinal barrier, thereby preventing and treating disorders associated with its imbalances.

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